Boil Advisories
This page contains an up-to-date list of Issued and Lifted precautionary boil advisories. Typically, the potential for contamination of the drinking water is unlikely due to a water distribution system break. However, the Greenville Water Utility implements precautionary boil advisories based upon information within the Water Supply Industry regarding precautionary steps that may safeguard the health of public water supply system. We will notify you when the precautionary boil advisory will be lifted.
For customers in a small affected area, the Greenville Water Utility will notify each effected house by knocking on the door. If there is no answer, the water technician will place a door hanger notice on customer doors notifying them of the Precautionary Boil Advisory. For larger areas, the Utility will instead notify the local media outlets, consisting of social media, television, radio and newspaper. However, this website will contain all precautionary boil advisory notices.
During a precautionary boil advisory, bring all cooking and drinking water to a complete boil for five (5) minutes before using. Please continue to boil all cooking and drinking water until we notify you that it is no longer necessary.
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